Thursday, August 23, 2012


 Our grandchildren are basically 'city / small- town' kids so there are wonders of country life that are not experienced on a regular basis.
On the last morning of the recent family get-together we did one last Gator exploration of the pasture.  Lo and behold!  A treasure!  A picked-over-by-coyotes carcass of a yearling steer!  It could have been a gold-mine as far as these young'uns were concerned as they loaded the back of the Gators with stinking bones!
All well and good until it came time for the departure for their civilized homes! "You are not taking those with you!"  "But Grandma said I could!"  oops!
The parents relented as a very dry white one was chosen and enclosed in a large garbage bag......

The next young lady's choice was not nearly as dry and the odour was not quite as pleasant!  But the Papa agreed to allow the 'treasure' to travel to the city with the agreement that these would be 'outside toys'.  These were encased in more than one 'odour guard' garbage bag!              


Cheyenne said...

This seriously made me absolutely roar! That is mildly disgusting! I hope someone hauls something like that to show n tell.

Oh, the stories to tell from these precious grandparent's house. I just love it!

Peggy said...

What a wonderful time with your grandkids. Chidlren today don't have these kinds of experiences near often enough.