Monday, April 2, 2012

aging process

"Leave behind the chilling thought of wrinkles and the anxiety of an aging-epidermis and instead opt to add an easy-to-apply product..... "  "Discover how a dab of this signature cream makes approaching your exterior wrinkle concerns a simple process..."

This greeted me as I checked my Inbox the other morning.  I had not even looked in the mirror.  I prefer to use the bathroom in the dark first thing in the morning, avoiding  the reflection as I 'take a seat'.  But I am fully aware of the wrinkles and the aging-epidemis.  So I leaned into this advertisement, checking the price of this miracle cream and pondering the wonderful benefits.

Then, wait a minute! What is happening!  What sort of lies am I buying into!  Why should I be chilled at the thought of wrinkles!  What is there about aging epidermis that should give me anxiety!  Give your head a huge shake GRANDMA Karin!  You are in your 6th decade.  There is nothing wrong with aging, with becoming old.  It is natural, a fact of life, reality.

But I realize there is the subtle and sometimes no-so-subtle implication or belief  it is wrong to become old, to accept the changes that come to my body and my mind. I have bought into the belief of beauty belonging only to the young and I should do everything possible to hold on to a 'look', and 'image' that someone, somewhere has decided is perfect.

Today is another day.  I have not totally forgotten the wrinkles and whatever my skin happens to be.  I fret over the middle roll but I am also reminded that it is the inside, the inner me that truly wants change.  My greatest longing is to be at peace within my heart, to rest, genuinely rest in the love of God for me, to trust ALL things working for my good, for the good of family and friends.

Isn't this the heart of Easter?

1 comment:

Peggy said...

It is hard to grow old and watch your body change-for the worse. But you're right, it's the inner beauty that matters. I have to keep reminding myself that.