Wednesday, April 11, 2012

If you love me.....

"If you love me you will obey what I command." John 14:15

These words have haunted me and left me with a feeling of guilt for so many years.  Have you ever thought of your parents, your friends, your spouse in terms of "If you really loved me you would ______"?  That is how I read this verse and saw it as judgement, a condemnation.  My mind said "You don't love God very much.  You don't obey the commandments, the sermon on the mount, all the 'rules' that seem to apply to Christians."

I have come to see in recent years how frightfully wrong I have been, how I was reading this verse and others like it with a legalistic idea and mindset.

Firstly, I took the word "if" as conditional.  But  love for God is not a measuring stick, a scale to determine how righteous I am.  My love for God is rather puny in comparison with His love.  But I believe that my love, my faith, even if it is the size of a tiny seed comes from God in the first place.  I don't seem to be able to 'muster up' love or faith in my own strength.  Instead of the word "if" maybe "because" explains the verse more clearly.   I am coming to understand the desire, the ability to obey comes because I love God not proof that I love God.

Secondly, I read a translation of the latter part of the verse as:  "follow my teachings."  This was a contrast to what I had believed about the list of do's and don't's with which I had grown up.  I  had actually come to a place twelve or so years ago deciding  there was no way  I could live this 'Christian' life, that I could ever 'be' what I thought people expected from a 'Christian'.  But I was looking at man-made expectations and equating them to God's commandments.

It is so very much a work in process but I am learning (let me emphasis LEARNING) to listen to the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God, and to obey what I believe God commands, to follow the teachings of Jesus.  When I first thought of 'what I command' as following Jesus' teachings, I also thought, "I can handle that".  Then it hit!  Wait a minute!  I can no more follow Jesus' teachings than I can successfully obey all the 'rules' I once thought I had to keep.  That is why I need a Saviour, why I need the Spirit of God in me to give me the capability to obey.

There is a freedom that comes with looking to God rather than myself or to other people.  Some days seem easier than others: some days, some hours, some minutes.  I guess it is a constant learning process that will only end in heaven some day.


Peggy said...

We are all works in progress thanks to God's amazing grace.

Jenn Jantz said...

Thanks for writing this♥